Something that has really been bugging me is the whole issue of "socialism" that was brought up by the McCain campaign, when they jumped all over the Joe the Plumber moment. Obama's programs aren't socialist. Not by a long shot. He isn't going to radically change the tax code. He is going to cut taxes on middle class and raise it on the richer. Big deal. Not everyone believes trickle down works (me included). Taxes have been part of life since forever. We don't have outrageous taxation.
What I would like to know, to all who think taxes are evil. If not taxes what? Why is taxing the middle class in a poor economy (believe me I live in a blue collar neighborhood, I know people struggle) instead of the wealthier a good idea? Why do you actually believe that voodoo economics works? What proof is there? Doesn't the free market exist only in theory? What programs should we cut? I don't get it.
And Joe the Plumber is an idiot.
It was hard to believe anyone took JtP seriously. I guess he appealed to "real Americans." But I must interject how interesting it was how many of those "real Americans" voted for Obama, including the county where Sarah made the initial comment.
Yeah, it really sucks that NC went blue. You Utahns don't know how hard it is to no longer live in "real America!"
I'm going to have to check whether I need a new passport.
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