Monday, November 10, 2008

Are you kidding me?

I was at a church function on Saturday morning and people were utterly appalled, shocked, and outraged at the large-scale protests taking place in Utah and California against Prop 8 and the LDS church in general.
Are you kidding me?  If you are going to go political about such a sensitive controversial topic, what do you expect?
And has anyone else noticed the hate-filled rhetoric being spouted by their  Christian compatriots about gay people?  It is a shameful and sad day.  
For the record the Prop 8 movement did not get my money or support.  Live and let live, or rather Love and let Love should rule the day.  Maybe we as a church will be ready for such an idea in 20 years?  How far behind the curve were we on inter-racial marriage and acceptance of Black people?


will said...

One day we'll all look back and laugh. Or cry.

David and Kris Taylor said...

Congrats on the new blog.

I agree with your post.
