And Drill Baby Drill??? I wish complex problems were so easily solved. Why not choose to be honest? Because, maybe Sarah didn't get it?
Well then she opened her mouth and spoke to Katie Couric. It didn't take any spin to realize the lady was clueless. The fact that she knew so little, couldn't name one news publication, couldn't complete a sentence, clearly had no knowledge of national affairs, couldn't properly express herself, and showed a very black and white view of the world was what made me so horrified. And the whole Sarkozy thing...yikes!!! She was her own worst enemy. I didn't need anyone to tell me she was far from being qualified. And then she was out on the trail, whipping her crowds into a hate-filled frenzy. She wasn't campainging on good ideas, but fear. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, indeed!
Ultimately, though, Sarah was why I was so angry at John McCain. Just because she is nice and perky doesn't mean she is qualified. (And after seeing Stevens re-elected, I don't know how much weight the fact that the people of Alaska elected her governor has. Not much, I think. What is going on up there? It is like Utah where we re-elect racist Buttars, and uber-freak Chaffetz for no other reason but to prove we aren't "liberal" and that we do things "our" way, so piss off. No common sense whatsoever.)
How could he have been so irresponsible? Who was advising him? What kind of judgement did the man have? If he didn't realize what a joke she was, heaven help him. If he did realize she was polarizing, ignorant, and in no way qualified to lead a nation but kept her on, well, he didn't deserve to be president.
Stevens' reelection reminds me of yellow dog Democrats here in the south. Though a clearly dying breed since the civil rights movement, there were folks that would vote for anyone - a yellow dog even - if it had a D after its name.
Maybe there are such things as "old white felon Republicans."
As for Palin, I hope I never have to discuss her again. Do you hear me 2012?
She may be a lovely person at some level. She cleans up incredibly well and looks fantastic in her designer duds. She may even be smart in some way, but she was clearly uninformed and seems to be incredibly ambitious. I think we'll see lots more of her. I don't believe she will be hard to beat in a second-term-Obama-vs.-Palin match up.
So let's all sit back and enjoy.
I grew up in Provo knowing many very capable, well spoken, educated, wise, compassionate, Christian women and do you know what? Sarah Palin doesn't reseble one of them. I am no "hockey mom" and my husband is no "Joe six-pack".
As a somewhat conservative(in the real sense, not the FOX news sense) woman, I was insulted that this was who the rebublicans thought could win my vote. McCain was palatable before she entered the game but after that speech and her debate any thought of him getting my vote went right down the tubes. The very thought of her possibly leading our country scared the wits out of me, far more than any anxieties I might have had about a country run by one party. No, it wasn't the economy that scared me away from McCain, we can recover from this, it was that woman. YIKES!
Anna, If I didn't know better I'd think you were me. What I have read of your blog sounds like I wrote it mysself. Very self-affirming. Thanks.
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