Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good News

I read that one of the first things Obama wants to do is close Guantanamo and offer justice to it's inmates.  This makes me so happy.  One of the largest contributor to my disappointment and disgust towards my country during the Bush era has been Guantanamo, and this is good news indeed.  A big step towards a more secure and safe and decent country.  Ever since I sat bawling in my car listening to the tales of wrongfully accused men who were incarcerated and tortured at Gmo.  on NPR's This American Life, I have been absolutely praying for the day when common sense and justice would be restored.  May those that have no reason to, forgive our country for the insanity they were the victims of.  


David and Kris Taylor said...

That is good news, indeed. Also good is what appears to be his intention to prevent/stop drilling in Utah's widerness/national-park areas. The man doesn't miss a trick! May these be more than leaked rumors.


will said...

With Abu Ghraib, this is such a nasty blemish on anything the U.S. could or wants to stand for. Romney broke my heart by crowing that it should be doubled. Bush/Cheney broke the world's heart be ever creating it.

Tear the sucka down!!!

Janan said...

I'm a blog stalker, so you may want to delete my comment, but just as a side note, my husband served 2 times in Iraq and 1 time in Afghanistan where he was injured. He said Guantanamo was the hardest prison to get anyone sent to. THey had to have truckloads of evidence to get anyone sent there. As for the horrors of Abu Ghraib that was an exception, not the rule. The soldiers would much rather capture than kill. They are for the most part good honest men. Plese don't blindly buy into the Propaganda of the Left. thanks, have a good day.